Friday, October 14, 2011

Statistics Behind #OccupyWallStreet

I'm not going to get into too much details about this, as I'm sure you're hearing about it from other places. However, here is an excellent article from Business Insider, showing what the protesters are protesting for. This article is just nice, because it gives a bunch of peer reviewed graphs and charts, instead of the "99%/1%" argument. So here you are folks, time to get learned.

And don't forget folks, add the Twitter! @kidshuffleLFT!


  1. Wow great aritcle, yeah have to be under a rock not to hear about it..haha

  2. Greed eventually reaches a tipping point.

  3. great article, I went to my local occupy yesterday. It was fun

  4. Thanks, I've been wondering about this for some time, but not really feeled like doing the effort to understand the whole thing. Followed you blog, keep it up!

  5. Nice to see something with some peer review. Objectivity is hard to maintain at times.

  6. Great article, but I had a tough time getting past that picture of the lady cannibal.
    Thank God I'm not rich. Otherwise I'd end up on the menu.

  7. I wish more people were better informed! Thanks for spreading the info!

  8. Thanks for sharing this, just like everyone else is saying. It's good to hear something else that isn't this 99% argument, honestly I'm getting sick of it as it is. Good work!

  9. That was a really good read especially for people outside the US, like me.

  10. That really is a great article, and I didn't know all that much. Now I do, I wish them even more luck.

  11. With a site named "business insider" I was expecting some protesters bashing demagogical BS, but since it's pretty much just statistics, it can't be too biased after all.
    Nice find.
